Trigger points are small, painful sites in muscles. The origin of the pain in one part of the body can trigger referred pain elsewhere. Trigger-point therapy aims to improve the circulation and mobility of the origin muscle point to assist healing and reduce pain. Manual trigger-point therapy is applied with the therapist’s fingers to mobilise the soft tissues, the muscle and connective tissues over and around the trigger point.
This modality involves the application by the myotherapist of sterile disposable needles to improve circulation to a trigger point. Sometimes dry needling and manual trigger-point therapy are used in combination.
Myofascial tissue is the web of connective tissue that lies within parts of a muscle, between different muscles and between muscles and bone. Myofascial release is the application of stretches or pressure to myofascial tissue around a trigger point or between muscles.
If you have experienced symptoms such as pain or clicking in your jaw or pain during eating, Ian can manage your TMJ condition. Treatment techniques include trigger-point therapy to the soft tissues that cover the TMJ.
Chronic headache and/or neck pain can be debilitating, interfering with daily life and sleep. Myotherapy management involves a full assessment of the origin and presentation of the pain, and therapies including trigger point therapy and remedial massage.